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Congratulations to our CONSUP presidents awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal, in recognition of their contributions to education, on November 28, 2024 by His Honour, the Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia.


StFX was presented with the Joel Jacobson ‘Bright Spot’ Medal for its dedication to the community and longstanding support of Special Olympics. Athlete Kate Isnor and Mike Greek, CEO of Special Olympics Nova Scotia, presented the award to StFX President Dr. Andy Hakin and Associate Vice-President Bob Hale at the Bill Stanish and Friends Luncheon in Support of Special Olympics on November 7, 2024.

Metro Halifax university and NSCC presidents, along with other members of the Halifax Higher Education Partnership (HHEP), recently met to pay tribute to the leadership of HHEP Chair Mayor Mike Savage during his 12-years as Mayor.  Mayor Savage was recognized by HHEP members for being a true champion for the value and contribution of the higher education sector to the growth and vibrancy of Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) and its successful positioning as an education destination nationally and internationally.

Back: Dr. Kenneth Deveau, Recteur, Université Sainte-Anne; Matt Hebb, VP Government and Global Relations, Dalhousie University; Don Bureaux, President, Nova Scotia Community College; Peter Halpin, Executive Director, Association of Atlantic Universities; His Worship Mike Savage, Mayor, Halifax Regional Municipality; Dr. Rob Summerby-Murray, President, Saint Mary’s University, Prof. Bill Lahey, President, University of King’s College
Front: Wendy Luther, President & CEO, Halifax Partnership; Dr. Peggy Shannon, President, NSCAD University; Rev. Dr. Heather McCance, President, Atlantic School of Theology; Dr. Joël Dickinson, President, Mount Saint Vincent University

Seen here at the conclusion of the session are (left to right):  Dr. Tony Fang, Jarislowsky, Chair in Economic and Cultural Transformation, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Peter Halpin, AAU; Francesca Southwell, SMU Students Association and Dr. Ather Akbari, Event Chair. Atlantic Research Group, Saint Mary’s University.

Peter Halpin, Executive Director, AAU, was a panelist at a recent gathering at Saint Mary’s University hosted by the Atlantic Research Group, entitled Immigration and Skilled Labour Force in Atlantic Canada:  The role of employers and international students.  He added commentary on a recent research study about the lived experience of international students in the region. 

  • At an investiture ceremony held at Government House on February 14, 2023, the Honourable Brenda L. Murphy, ONB, Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, presented Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU) presidents Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau, Mount Allison University, and Dr. Paul Mazerolle, University of New Brunswick with the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal in recognition of their leadership in higher education. Congratulations!
  • At an investiture ceremony held at Government House on October 18, 2022, the Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, presented Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU) presidents Dr. Peter Ricketts, Acadia University; Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, Saint Mary’s University; Dr. Andrew Hakin, St. Francis Xavier University; Rev. Canon Neale Bennet, Atlantic School of Theology (2015-2022); and Prof. William Lahey, University of King’s College with the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal in recognition of their leadership in higher education. Sincere congratulations to all!